Magma drilling
Field trip

The Goods

When life gives you magma...

The International Deep Drilling Program's (IDDP's) first well was drilled at Krafla, and although they were aiming for supercritical fluids at 5 kms depth, they encountered magma 2 kms below the surface! Watch the following video to learn about IDDP-1 and magma drilling at Krafla.

The Knowledge Tester

How many geothermal wells would be required to fuel the population of NZ if we harnessed the power of supercritical geothermal fluids (use the estimated energy output of IDDP-1)? Look up the total installed capacity here (in MW)




The Brain Poke



The Brain Poke



The Goods

Overview of intrusions from the geologic record

As a geologist, it is quite hard to get information on molten magma chambers- so we look at old magma chambers instead. Let's see what Ben has to say about this, and what this means for magma bodies beneath Krafla!

The Knowledge Tester

Which of the following statements best describes shallow intrusions at Krafla from borehole geology?



Which measurements best describe the dimensions of the shallow intrusions at Krafla?

Width (x axis, not thickness):

Length (y axis):

Thickness (z axis):



What intrusive features are likely to have been at Krafla in the past (more than one possible answer)?




The Brain Poke



The Goods


Most of what we know about the sub-surface at Krafla comes from the geophysical surveys that have been done there. What do they tell us?

The Knowledge Tester

Which of the following is the most useful to determine the location of a magma chamber?


Which of the following is the most useful to determine the location of a hydrothermal system?


Why don’t we get earthquakes deeper than 8 km at Krafla?



Spacing Out

Which is true about the centre of deformation, the s-wave shadow zone and resistivity



The Goods

Expert models

So what does the magma chamber look like at Krafla? That was a question that James tried to answer during his Master's project.

The Knowledge Tester

As you can see not all scientists agree with Ben's view of the magma at Krafla. What are the possible models at Krafla (more than one possible answer)?




The Brain Poke




The Goods

The Krafla Magma Testbed

Looking into the future..

The Brain Poke


You've succesfully completed Drilling
...into magma!